If you’re living with ADHD, you already know it can make life messy. Likewise, some people in your life may not be familiar with ADHD symptoms and may not be understanding when symptoms feel inconvenient or difficult. However, there is also something special about this messy chaos.

Strengths of People with ADHD

ADHD can actually give you some pretty awesome traits and skills that are significant strengths. Remarkably, people rely on you for these same strengths, and they benefit you and those around you.


With ADHD you’re pretty much an expert at thinking on your feet. While others are busy figuring out what to eat for dinner, you’ve already decided to take up knitting, run a half marathon and maybe build a custom swing set in your backyard. Yes, ADHD means your mind is constantly bouncing from one idea to another.

That can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it can also mean that you’re great at seizing opportunities and you’re not afraid to jump into something new. Likewise, your friends count on you. When your friend wants to take that spur-of-the-moment road trip, you will likely embrace the idea with open arms and a bag full of snacks.

You might forget where you put your coffee mug five times a day, but you’re also the one who comes up with brilliant out-of-the-box idea that no one else thought of. You’re a valuable addition to any brainstorming session, as you are full of ideas and unique perspectives. To top it off, you are usually the most fun person to have around.

Beauty of Imperfection

People with ADHD tend to start things with energy and vigor – new projects, new hobbies, and new ideas, but then, they fizzle out halfway through. Sound familiar? You can see four unfinished projects from where you’re sitting, can’t you? That’s okay. It’s not criticism and it doesn’t mean you’re failing. It just means you’re exploring, which is honestly often the fun part.

That unfinished project doesn’t have to be a symbol of failure, but a lesson learned. Maybe you didn’t finish that DIY bookshelf as intended, but you learned that you prefer painting over woodworking. Perhaps your quest to organize your sock drawer led to an entertaining sock monkey show and your drawer remains a mess. That’s fine too!

Perfectionism isn’t the goal of life, but many miss that. It’s the journey, with the beautiful detours and accidental discoveries that matters. You’re really good at seeing that and doing that. You can lead others in the same appreciation for life, the ability to take things in and enjoy them. Don’t chastise yourself for all the unfinished projects but celebrate that you started, and you learned something new in the process.


Hyperfocus is that magical superpower you may not have known you had. When your ADHD brain locks into something, suddenly the world around you disappears. Your mind is laser-focused and you’re in the zone, cranking out work like a machine. You’re creating something amazing without even realizing that hours have passed. If something grabs your interest, it’s like you’ve entered into the ADHD Matrix. You may forget to eat breakfast, but that project you’re working on will be incredibly and meticulously executed.

Unfortunately, you can’t pick and choose when hyperfocus happens. Although wouldn’t that be great? That razor-sharp focus doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does, you can rest assured that this superpower will allow you to accomplish in a few hours what the rest of the world may take days to complete. This is a gift you offer the world. Many professionals would love that type of drive, and some are even at the level they are because ADHD lets them lock in.

Creative Hero

Some of the best ideas and most entertaining stories come from the unpredictability of ADHD. If you don’t believe me, just look at Instagram reels. You will see a ton of quirky, creative, and totally unexpected content that has been sparked by ADHD-style thinking. It’s a beautiful mess of innovation, crazy costumes, interesting ideas, and maybe some unfinished crafts.

That new art project, dance routine, or business idea that everyone is excited about might have just might have been born from an ADHD conversation that spiraled off course (which they tend to do).

Natural Born Leader

Enthusiasm, empathy, and motivational drive (all wonderful byproducts of your ADHD) often put ADHD individuals into leadership roles. Your high energy and passion are contagious and inspiring for those around you, making you a natural-born leader.

It’s been theorized that physicist and mathematician Albert Einstein had ADHD, even though there is no way to prove it. The list of accomplished people who have been suspected of or diagnosed with ADHD also includes Walt Disney, Bill Gates, and Leonardo da Vinci.


Research suggests that people with ADHD often exhibit a higher level of optimism compared to the general public. Unless you also deal with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, your ADHD brain is likely to view yourself more positively than those without ADHD.

You may even perceive yourself in a more positive way than how others see you. This optimism can help you form resilience when faced with challenges and adversity and provide motivation to continue, even when things seem difficult.

God can use your ADHD for His glory

As you can see, your ADHD has given you a unique set of talents and abilities. That is not by accident. God created you with your ability to hyperfocus and your creative thought patterns. He molded you into the optimistic leader that you are today or will be tomorrow. Don’t cringe when someone notices your twitching knee and don’t berate when you lose your keys. Understand that you are wonderfully, fearfully, and beautifully made, intentionally and with purpose.

Still, you may find that your ADHD symptoms feel more like a hindrance than a blessing. If this sounds like you, consider seeking therapy. A therapist can help you harness the best parts of ADHD and can give you helpful life skills to manage the things that make it hard. A Christian counselor can help you see the beauty in the broken pieces and help you to become the person that God intended you to be.

Help for the Journey

No matter what your emotions or history tells you or what offhanded comment someone may say to you in a moment of misunderstanding or frustration, you’re not broken. You are the way you are for an important reason. God made you that way. Yes, you can strive to better yourself and fulfill God’s purpose for your life, wholly and fully, just like everyone else.

ADHD doesn’t mean that you are any less of a person than someone who is not dealing with ADHD symptoms. While it might feel like a whirlwind of chaos and distraction, unpredictability and constant motion, it’s also packed full of moments of brilliance. Embrace the mess, the energy, creativity, and that hope of discovery. You might not fit into traditional molds, but that’s exactly what makes you shine.

If you would like the help of a therapist, reach out to our offices today. We can make an appointment with one of the counselors in our practice.

“Butterfly”, Courtesy of Alfred Schrock, Unsplash.com, CC0 License


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