Figuring Out Physical Intimacy After Infidelity
Few things can damage a committed relationship more than infidelity. The closeness [...]
Few things can damage a committed relationship more than infidelity. The closeness [...]
Most couples get married with the hope of a, “happily ever after” [...]
Belonging to a family, whether by birth, faith, or choice, develops connections. [...]
Do you feel like you and your spouse just cannot get through [...]
Take a read through this article and see how many of these [...]
Listening is the not-so-secret ingredient in communication. We have two ears and [...]
Marriage is one of God’s best gifts. Marriage can also be one [...]
Let’s be real with each other for a minute – we’re all [...]
Perhaps you have been faced with a difficult season of trying to [...]
The close-knit bond between spouses is something that God takes seriously. But [...]