What Constitutes Trauma?
In this article, I am going to define trauma from a clinical perspective, but also give insight into how discernment is needed when it comes to discussing experiences of trauma, as people understand and process experiences differently. This can result in some confusion for those who have experienced trauma and try to relate it to others, or those who may have experienced trauma and perhaps not realized it because their fundamental understanding of trauma didn’t allow them to recognize it. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is known as a mental health condition in which one is plagued by an experience from their [...]
8 Signs of Parental Codependency and How to Heal from It
A parent has the huge job of nurturing another human being and preparing them for life. Parenting is a task that never quite ends and, in some seasons, feels more thankless and draining than rewarding or encouraging. Being a parent changes over time as your children grow and enter different stages of life. In this way, parenting a newborn is different from parenting a teenager or a young adult, but you’re still a parent and occupy that unique role in your child’s life. Parents will do whatever they can to protect their children and help them thrive in a world that [...]
Burnout Syndrome: How to Recognize It and Deal with It
Burnout syndrome (BOS) is a by-product of chronic stress that has not been successfully managed. Typically, it manifests slowly and gradually. Symptoms include physical and emotional exhaustion, as well as feeling mentally distant from your job and less capable of doing it effectively. According to the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), BOS is an occupational phenomenon and should not be used to describe experiences in other areas of life. Common signs of burnout syndrome. Physical High blood pressure Constant fatigue Headaches, stomach aches, back pain, muscle tension Lowered immunity Getting sick more often Digestive issues Exhaustion Sleep [...]
Stories and Verses about Forgiveness in the Bible
There are many verses about forgiveness in the Bible. Verses that tell us about God’s love, compassion, and willingness to forgive us when we sin against Him; verses that command us to extend that same love and forgiveness to one another; and stories of people who exemplify what love and forgiveness look like in action. Our greatest debt, caused by sin, Is erased by our greater God. – Xochitl Dixon No one in this world is without sin. Whether we transgress because of the weaknesses of our flesh, or whether we do it unintentionally, we are all guilty of sinning against [...]
Infidelity in Marriage: Why it Happens and What to Do to Repair Your Relationship
The close-knit bond between spouses is something that God takes seriously. But it’s often true that what we want for ourselves and what God desires for us don’t always coincide, and this is to our detriment. So, it’s not surprising to read accounts such as the following in the pages of the Bible: And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?” He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his [...]
Tips for Reducing Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is recurrent stress that can make even anticipating the separation fraught with emotions. It can create unhealthy habits of codependency and lead to attachment disorders. It is more than just missing a loved one; there can be deep worries and fears that rise up in times of separation. For some people, they are not bothered by someone being out of sight and out of mind. For others, all unseen and unknown things can lead to debilitating anxiety for others. When someone you care about leaves the house, your thoughts may immediately run down the trail of horrible possibilities. News [...]
Feeling Depressed: Signs, Symptoms, and Strategies to Find Freedom
Depression is one of the most common mental health struggles facing the world today. Most people know someone, or have struggled with depression at some point in their lives, themselves. There are several different mood disorders where “dressed mood” is a large component. The most prevalent is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Statistics of Major Depression Disorder in the U.S. The National Institute of Mental Health reported that the percentage range of people over the age of 18 who struggled with MDD in 2020 was 8%. This may not sound like a large number, but that roughly translates to about fifteen million [...]
Procrastination and Mental Illness
Procrastination is not a mental illness. However, it could be a symptom of many different mental health struggles. Procrastination can look like this: staring at the to-do list and deciding to do absolutely nothing on it. Facing a deadline at work and deciding it’s the perfect time to reorganize your desktop. Having a difficult phone call to make and then doing anything and everything to avoid making it. If you find that you are consistently procrastinating, talking to a counselor may help you discern the root cause of your procrastination problem. The effects of procrastination. While occasional procrastinating may not have serious [...]
Life After Christian Divorce
God, the Creator of marriage, the first institution, has laid out His plan for marriage as a lifelong union. What happens when we stray from His intention? The Bible addresses marriage and divorce. God’s design for marriage never included abuse, violence, or coercive control. Emotional abuse can bruise or severely harm a person’s heart, mind, and soul. The apostle Paul further taught that the marital relationship is an ongoing demonstration of the sacrificial love that Christ showed His church. (See Ephesians 5:21-33.) What happens when the sacrificial love fades or is fractured? What does the Bible tell us about divorce? Let’s [...]