Comfort in Our Darkest Hour: Bible Verses for Mourning
Whether it comes suddenly, or whether we expect it after a long struggle, the loss of a loved one hurts. As commonplace as death may be, there is still something unnatural about death, and it feels right to talk about death as the Bible does, calling it an “enemy.” In this article, we'll look at several Bible verses for mourning to comfort you in your time of loss. The death of a loved one robs us of opportunities to make new memories, or to foster reconciliation where there had been strained relationships. However, death can also come as welcome release for a [...]
How Your PTSD is Made Worse by Avoidance Behavior
A common response to trauma is emotional avoidance. Those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometimes include emotional avoidance to avoid unpleasant or painful emotions. This is part of the avoidance cluster of PTSD. Any action intended to stop the occurrence of unpleasant emotions, such as fear, sadness, or shame, is referred to as avoidance. For instance, a person might turn to drugs or dissociation to avoid unpleasant emotions. Short-term relief of emotional avoidance may both be possible but it frequently does more damage because avoidance behaviors are linked to more severe PTSD symptoms. What link exists between avoidance behavior and [...]
10 Bible Verses About Forgiveness
Do you know you need to forgive someone, but you are struggling to do so? Forgiveness is hard, but God can help you do it. When you meditate on Bible verses about forgiveness, you can gain the motivation to forgive even when you feel stuck in unforgiveness. The following Bible verses about forgiveness have much to teach us about the act of forgiving others. It’s not an option for us as believers in Christ. Yet it takes time and perspective to let go of deep hurts someone has done against us. The Bible can help us do this, and we can [...]
Relationship Problems: 8 Bible Verses to Help Resolve Them
If you are struggling in your relationship with your partner, you are not alone. All couples have problems at some stage of their marriage, and it takes time and hard work to prevent a marriage from failing. Relying on God when things just don’t seem to work is the only solution. He must be at the center of your marriage to be able to solve any relationship problems. Trust in His plans and his ways, He will guide you along the right path. Bible verses for relationship problems. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for [...]
Conflict Resolution Strategies for Your Marriage
There used to be a humorous saying that the first big argument in marriage was a sign that the honeymoon was over. Some couples believe that to have a perfect marriage, they must never argue. They incorrectly assume that the union is doomed if there are arguments and conflicts in the relationship. This cannot be further from the truth. Conflict is a natural reaction when two individuals express their wants and needs. Conflict will strengthen your relationship if you employ conflict resolution strategies while maintaining your integrity and your spouse’s honor. Why conflict is good for your marriage. Marital conflict is [...]
9 Ways to Rebuild Self-Esteem After a Toxic Relationship
A toxic relationship takes a more significant toll on mental and emotional health than just physical health. An unhealthy relationship can leave you with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and insecurities. These mental health conditions can affect all future relationships as well as current relationships with your family and friends. But after a breakup with a significant other, how do you regain the person you once were? How do you make yourself better every day? Learn how to work on building self-esteem one step at a time. Nine ways to build self-esteem after a toxic relationship. It is possible to rebuild your [...]
Tips for Reading Scripture When Life is Busy
Are you staring down New Year's Day with a list of goals for personal growth? Is one of those goals to read your Bible more? What a fantastic idea. Let’s look at some practical ways for making that happen for you this year. First, what have you tried in the past that has not worked? Rather than repeat things that have failed in the past, consider why they may have failed. Maybe you got into a Bible journaling course, but don’t actually like to write. Perhaps you failed to account for how slowly you read. Are you trying to be a [...]
How to Communicate Better: 6 Bible Verses to Help
There are hundreds of thousands of books, podcasts, and seminars on how to communicate better. This is not surprising, as being able to communicate well is at the very heart of sustaining and enjoying the relationships we have with those around us. It is hard to discern where to go, what to read, or what to listen to, in order to become better communicators. Here we will seek God’s Word on His ideal foundations for communicating. Communicating better is also something that does not come naturally. Many have been raised in homes that never taught healthy communication, while others have been [...]
Dating After Divorce: Learning to Trust Again
Dating after divorce is a journey of learning to trust again. Once you have reconciled yourself to the understanding that there is life after divorce, you can thrive afterward. Learning to move past the grief of losing a marriage is the first step in dating after divorce. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. – 1 Peter 5:10, ESV Processing grief after divorce. Grief isn’t just about death. It also is experienced when you lose a way [...]