Why Forgiving Others is So Important
Forgiveness is a process that involves at least two people, one who has injured the other in some way. This injury may be minor, but it can also be a major offense, such as trauma or abuse. In a perfect world, forgiving others is a process whereby the offender repents of their harmful ways and apologizes, the injured person forgives the offender, and there is a restored relationship between the two people at the end. Unfortunately, this world is far from perfect. It can be very hard to forgive those who have hurt you deeply, and the offender might be unrepentant [...]
Couples Counseling: Creating a Marriage that Thrives
Imagine that you are an artist, and your marriage is the canvas. If you want to create a piece of art, you must first realize that your canvas is unique. It does not need to be compared to those around you. It does not have to blend in with the crowd. A genuine and radiant piece of art is produced through a lot of sweat and dedication, but that demanding work pays off. It withstands the test of time. It inspires. It radiates. It is unique. It mirrors the way God created us - to be formed beautifully in His image [...]
4 Parenting Tips for Any Phase of Life
Every season of has its own set of joys and challenges. Whether you are the parent of a newborn, middle-schooler, or young adult, you face constantly changing tides as you navigate your relationships, your child’s personality, and their wide variety of needs. Parenthood is an ever-winding road. It might feel like you are never just “coasting,” because there is always something new to see, learn, and discover. Robert Breault said, “Parenting is a stage of life’s journey where the milestones come about every fifty feet.” In the newborn phase of parenting, you are faced with the around-the-clock hunger cues, coffee chugging [...]
Overcoming Passivity in Your Life
“I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” These lines from the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley clearly overstate things, because humans aren’t as in control of themselves or their lives as much as they would like to be. God is in control, but he demands that we make something of the life he’s given us. We can deal with the circumstances life throws at us by meeting the challenge. The common saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” reminds us that while things go south on us, and the twists and turns [...]
7 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Sad and Lonely
In life, mountaintop experiences bring us exhilaration, a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and meaning. When you hit a job interview out of the park, tie the knot with your beloved, move into your dream home, get through a difficult surgery with excellence, witness your child give a performance in a stage play, or finish chemotherapy and learn you’re in remission – all these things bring a smile to our faces and joy to our hearts. It is as it should be. However, we also do experience other seasons in life, and these bring emotions such as sadness, anger, or feeling out [...]
How Can I Keep From Singing? How Music Can Heal Your Brain and Your Heart
We often turn to music as a source of entertainment, amusement, or distraction. Ambient music streams in the background of supermarkets, book shops, restaurants, the local gym, and the dentist’s office. How empty our everyday lives would seem without the sound of music. And yet, it is accomplishing more in our brains and hearts than we often recognize. Ways Music Can Benefit You Music Invites Us to Engage Internally and Externally, Healing Us from the Inside Out Often, when you hear music that you like, it makes you want to get up and dance or tap your feet and your fingers. [...]
Exploring the Negative Effects of Social Media
Living in the age of instant global communication and interconnected reality is a blessing countless generations of people before us only ever dreamed about. From a small device that fits in my pocket or on my wrist, I can connect with people thousands of miles away, see pictures of them, and hear their voices with perfect clarity. This would have been considered nothing short of magical a century ago. The distant future envisaged by science fiction television shows like Star Trek is very much a reality. Of course, those science fiction television shows and movies often pointed out that advanced technology, [...]
Peacekeeper or Peacemaker: Which One are You?
Are you a peacekeeper or a peacemaker? What is the difference? There is an important difference between the two. Knowing the difference can bring you additional peace and show you which path to take. Peacekeeping vs. Peacemaking You may have grown up believing that keeping the peace is important, no matter the cost to you. This is a common attitude in the church, but it’s not what the Bible teaches. We need to study the Bible, including Jesus’ example, to understand what our responsibility is regarding preserving peace. One of Jesus’ names is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). He promises [...]
Is Comfort Food Really Comforting?
The phrase “comfort food” has been around for a while. It was first used in 1966 when the Palm Beach Post published a story on obesity that shed light on the fact that adults, when experiencing severe emotional stress, typically prefer to eat food that is associated with the security of childhood “like mother’s poached egg or famous chicken soup.” It comes as no surprise that yet today many food companies are interested in creating new “comfort foods,” or that restaurateurs have been known to put more comfort foods on the menu when times are hard. The term “comfort food” alludes [...]