

Regaining Peace Through Scriptures About Worry

Worry is a thief. Not only does it rob us of our joy and peace as we think about the various ways things might not go according to plan, but it also robs us of our present. Instead of relishing the present and experiencing each moment in its fullness, we are consumed by what might happen. And when that dreaded future arrives, we find ourselves caught up worrying once again about what comes next. All of us worry. Between our jobs, the health of our family, our finances, and the things happening in the world around us, we have a lot of [...]

By |July 7th, 2022|Categories: Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

Tips for Effective Communication in Marriage

To be able to communicate well is a great asset in any relationship, but particularly in marriage because of the intimacy of the relationship. But however good an aspiration effective communication is, it is also demanding work and often does not come naturally to us. There are many reasons why a couple may  be struggling with communication in marriage. We may have grown used to each other and become lazy in our relationship. We may believe our partner ought to know what we are thinking or feeling without telling them. We might think we can’t explain ourselves well enough. We might [...]

By |July 7th, 2022|Categories: Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Embracing a Grace-Filled Beauty Routine

In a culture of all things anti-aging. In a culture of all things not pretty enough, not thin enough, not kind enough, not gracious enough, not disciplined enough. As women, this not-enough-ness is enough to destroy our beauty and we aren’t even aware of the destruction. It can be a sad fate to live this life without ever knowing our place and our presence of beauty in the world. Much of this has to do with learning to define beauty differently than mass cultural norms and consumer marketing. It’s time to be smarter and wiser about our beauty and to start [...]

By |July 2nd, 2022|Categories: Aging and Geriatric Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling, Women’s Issues|

8 Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person

Are you a highly sensitive person? Up to twenty percent of the population could be classified as highly sensitive. This term was coined by researcher Elaine Aron, and the classification has helped many people understand themselves and others with greater clarity. If you aren’t sure if you are highly sensitive, or if someone you love is a highly sensitive person, eight traits may indicate high sensitivity. All of us have sensitive areas. But a highly sensitive person (HSP) usually has almost all of these eight traits in combination. 1. Highly sensitive people have strong responses to internal and external stimuli. What [...]

By , |July 1st, 2022|Categories: Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Understanding Boundaries in Marriage

Boundaries in marriage may seem like an oxymoron. They should not exist together when two people get married and become “one flesh.” Individuality is not a term one usually hears when there is a discussion on marriage. The reality though is that before someone gets married, they are an entity of their own, with feelings, values, thoughts, opinions, and lifestyle choices that do not disappear because they are now in a committed union. They might be re-evaluated, but they still exist. For this reason, there is a need to understand the role and need for boundaries in marriage. In their best-selling [...]

By , |June 27th, 2022|Categories: Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

How to Become a More Present Listener for Your Spouse

If you’ve ever heard, “You don’t listen,” when you are engaged in a conflict with your spouse, remember that listening is a learned skill – and it’s not one that many of us do well. However, becoming a more engaged, present listener is something we can improve on over time, and it can bring much-needed healing and growth to our relationships. To become a better listener, active listening is key. Active listening can be defined as listening with all your senses and letting the other person know that he/she has your full attention. It also shows that you respect the other [...]

Five Stress Management Techniques: A Christian Perspective

Stress. It may be the word that best explains where the average person is operating on a daily basis. Our modern world has placed a heavy emphasis on doing, often at the expense of being. This pressure to do – perform, achieve, create, output – contributes to the high-stress frequency at which so many of us operate. It is easy to feel that this anxious and exhausted headspace is inevitable. When we experience a stress response, our body is reacting to perceived danger. This danger can include a threat to physical safety, emotional well-being, relational belonging, financial security, or any other [...]

By , |June 8th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development|

How to Take Every Thought Captive to Deal with Anxiety and Worry

Every day, we have thousands of thoughts that enter our minds. Many of them deal with anxiety and worry. Some of these relate to the tasks we need to perform that day. “I need to check if I have enough gas.” “I hope traffic is light today, because I have that meeting with my supervisor!” “Maybe I can go to the gym after work today?” These and many other thoughts pass through our minds. Sometimes we are conscious of them, and at other times we aren’t. We have many negative thoughts every day. Such as when you are assigned a task at [...]

By |June 8th, 2022|Categories: Anxiety, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

4 Bible Verses that Offer Help for Depression

According to recent statistics from Mental Health America, close to 20% of American adults experience a mental illness in one year, the equivalent of nearly 50 million people. A growing percentage of young people live with major depression – 15% of youth experience a depressive episode in a year. Of particular concern is the fact that over half of adults, and 60% of youth, do not receive any mental health treatment help for depression. There is little wonder that suicidal ideation continues to increase, along with rates of substance abuse. Symptoms of Depression Depression is a complex illness and can affect [...]

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