Some Old, Some New: 12 Causes of Resentment in Marriage
Take a read through this article and see how many of these causes for resentment in marriage you identify with. While this may not be a checklist you want to score well on it may be useful to know what specifically needs work from you as well as your spouse. One contributes more than the other. Between household chores, time with the children, the school run, and the financial contribution to running a household, there are many areas in a marriage where one may feel that they are doing more than their fair share and the other is not pulling their [...]
Relationship Advice for Men: What It Means to Be a Real Man
This article will address what it means to be a real man. I will be touching on three themes: worldview, biblical view, and therapeutic view. My wife just asked me “How are you doing” I replied, “I am living a life of quiet desperation.” This is a well-known quote from Henry David Thoreau. “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Growing up in the United States I learned that “real men” were supposed to be tough-minded, self-sufficient, strong, smart, rich, and desired by women. Real men don’t lose a fight [...]
How to Stop Worrying Through Self-Talk
The conversations you have with yourself, in your mind or out loud, can either dial up or dial down the amount you worry about. “Inner talk is one of the most effective, least-used tools available to master the psyche and foster life success,” says Psychologist Ethan Kross. Times have changed since we thought others were crazy for talking to themselves. Many of us are doing it, and self-talk is recognized as an exceptionally useful tool as we navigate our various roles and areas of responsibility as a colleague, parents, siblings, students, and more. The quiet words we have with ourselves can [...]
How to Improve Communication in Marriage
Listening is the not-so-secret ingredient in communication. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Studies show that robust and affirming relationships are built on a foundation developed by listening to one another. When looking at ways to improve communication in marriage it is worth asking if either party is really listening or if both people are trying to prove they are right, getting annoyed if the other person keeps talking while they are interrupting. In The Road Less Traveled author M. Scott Peck observed that you cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same [...]
Understanding and Coping with Panic Attacks
A panic attack is a sudden feeling of anxiety or terror distinguished by sweating, shallow breathing, and the nervous system being on high alert. These spells can occur unprovoked and without the presence of any danger or threat. It can take anywhere between ten minutes and an hour for a panic attack to pass. Afterward, it is not uncommon to experience a sense of guilt, shame, exhaustion, and emotional drain.Although singular occurrences are common, most people who experience panic attacks are likely to experience them more than once in their lives. If panic attacks occur frequently, they may be linked to a [...]
6 Ways to Take Every Thought Captive
If you have been around friends who attend church regularly or you grew up in a Christian environment, you may have heard the phrase “take every thought captive” before. To apply this to everyday life, it’s important to know what it means, how to do it, and why to do it. What does it mean to take every thought captive? The phrase originates from Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience [...]
7 Common Causes of Mental Stress
Stress affects everyone. Daily stressors are a fact of life, and some pressure can be good. However, when you experience high levels of mental stress for prolonged periods, it can cause exhaustion and burnout. The symptoms of mental stress. The symptoms of mental stress are similar to other mental health conditions. You may want to consult a therapist to rule out other disorders and learn strategies to ease mental fatigue. Symptoms include: Sensations of dread and hopelessness. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Irritability and cynicism. Mood swings and anger. Depression. Anxiety. Suicidal thoughts. Fatigue. Sleeping too much or too little. Changes in [...]
Social Anxiety: Signs and Treatment Options
Social anxiety can make life challenging. Everyday activities become a struggle. You may not be able to shop inside stores anymore, attend social events, or even spend time with friends. Social interactions are no longer straightforward when your heart and mind race and you worry about how to interact with others or what they think about you. Holiday shopping becomes relegated to online only because you no longer want to deal with the anxiety and the panic. The symptoms of social anxiety will keep you isolated from friends and family, causing you to miss out on being with others in ways [...]
Helping Your Child Form a Secure Attachment
God did not design us to live in isolation without connections to others. That is why it is important to help your child attain secure attachment in their development. Learning how to foster those attachments can create a sense of belonging in your child. It can also help them develop a positive mindset about themselves. One of the most influential attachments children make is those with their parents. Attachment parenting is the term that is commonly used to describe the techniques used to form secure attachment in a child. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up [...]