

How Intimacy With God Affects Your Relationships Positively

In our relationships with others, a lot of give and take is required. We make ourselves present and available for others, listening to and supporting them. In healthy relationships, others reciprocate and do the same things for us. Being in healthy relationships with others requires that each individual is healthy; otherwise, the relationship can turn toxic and undermine their well-being. There is a saying that we can only give to others what we have. There’s a lot of truth in that because we can only share from our store of wisdom, experience, compassion, and understanding. When we lack these things, or [...]

By , |November 27th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

In Your Weeping: How to Cope With Grief

The death of a loved one or a person who is significant to you in some way can be difficult to process and come to terms with. Unfortunately, at one time or another in our lives, death or loss of some kind will find its way into our lives, and it affects people in different ways. Grief can incapacitate you, and make it hard to carry on. This makes being able to handle grief and knowing how to cope with it an important life skill to possess. What is grief? Grief can wear many masks, and it shows up in a [...]

By , |November 26th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Grief, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

10 Symptoms of Depression in Teens

You would do anything for your children. Walk over hot coals? Check. Drive an hour one way to a ball game? Check. Stay by their side through the flu? Check. However, the symptoms of depression in teens can be subtle. Depression is not something that you can take from your child and shoulder the burden, as much as you may want to. Instead, it will be helpful if you are aware of the symptoms of depression in teens so you can seek help at the appropriate time. Depression in Families Depression can run in families. If you struggle with depression, your child [...]

By , |November 26th, 2024|Categories: Christian Counseling For Teens, Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Coping with Grief: Scriptures About Loss to Help You Grieve

The world we live in is a broken one. That brokenness manifests itself in diverse ways, from relationships mired in conflict, rifts between loved ones, having those you love taken from you by illness or some other calamity, and so on. There is much weeping and sorrow that accompanies our sojourn. Scripture reflects this reality and gives us the language to process our experiences and grieve the various losses we go through. In this article, we’ll consider some encouragement and tips for coping with grief. Grief comes to us all, and it does so in different ways. Rather than denying our [...]

By , |November 19th, 2024|Categories: Featured, General, Grief, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

How to Recognize Employee Burnout

According to a study of 1000 participants, around 77% of people experience employee burnout at their current workplace. Employee burnout is common and causes many physical, mental, and emotional problems. How can you tell if you are in burnout, and what can you do? Employee Burnout Symptoms Employee burnout can happen to anyone. You may enjoy your job, but due to employee shortages, new contracts, tighter deadlines, or management changes, the stress is unbearable. Combine workplace burnout with other problems at home, such as marital strife, behavioral issues in the children, financial worries, and illness. It can be too much for [...]

By |November 15th, 2024|Categories: Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development|

Infidelity and Fidelity: What Are They and How Do They Look?

Loyalty and trust are the bedrock of relationships, particularly marital relationships. When that is broken there is a lot of fear, anxiety, and sorrow to work through. Talking about infidelity is hard. It involves painful emotions and complicated situations. Often it comes with wondering about the inverse. Even fidelity and infidelity have a spectrum. Understanding how to be a faithful partner involves more than just not having an affair outside of your marriage. What is fidelity? Fidelity is the quality of faithfulness or loyalty. Fidelity is a quality that is valuable in many parts of life and is essential to establishing [...]

What is Insecure Avoidant Attachment?

Take a moment to think back on yourself as a child. Think about your relationships with your parents or caregivers. What were they like? Did you feel safe and secure around them? Was your heart met with delight? Were your desires honored with curiosity and healthy discipline? Did they attune to you when you were upset or crying? Did they comfort you and bring you back to a calm or regulated place? Insecure-avoidant attachment defined To ask the question, “What is insecure-avoidant attachment?” is to engage these core areas and narratives around desire, delight, safety, attunement, and curiosity. More specifically, it is [...]

What Does it Mean to Receive Trauma-Informed Care?

A person who experiences trauma has a hard time getting the help needed due to the alteration of their ability to recover from the event. Trauma is not the same for all people, so there is no one way to approach the healing process. Receiving safe healthcare for trauma starts with the ability of the caregiver to understand that trauma can impact a person’s ability to engage in treatment. This is the basis of trauma-informed care. What is trauma-informed care? Trauma-informed care is the practice of universal precautions for trauma. Just like the universal precautions for pathogens, trauma-informed care is a [...]

By , |October 19th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Individual Counseling, Trauma|

Making Use of Your Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Have you ever heard the expression, “read the room” being used before? Often, it’s used when someone blunders into a situation and acts in a way that’s totally out of sync with the prevailing mood. They fail to pick up on the non-verbal and verbal cues given by others and respond inappropriately to what is being said and done. Failing to read the room can make you feel isolated and lost in social interactions. Being able to read situations and respond appropriately is important not only in social settings but at the workplace as well. There are many interpersonal interactions in [...]

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